Darfydded sôn am haeddiant dyn a'i rym

(Ymffrostio yn Nghrist)
Darfydded sôn am haeddiant
    dyn a'i rym,
Fe dawdd yn llwyr
    o flaen cyfiawnder llym;
  Yng nghlwyfau'r Oen
      ymffrostia f'enaid tlawd,
  Daeth trefn y nef
      âg Iesu imi'n Frawd.

Ei fywyd glân, ei chwys,
    a'i riddfan roes,
A'i angeu llawn,
    dâl cyflawn ar y groes:
  Daw ffrwyth ei loes,
      a grym eiriolaeth gref,
  A'r eiddil gwan
      yn gadarn gydag Ef.

Ar dir na môr
    ei debyg gẁn nad oes;
Seraphiaid pur
    ni thraethant byth ei oes:
  Dringo a wnaf, trwy nerth
      ei ras, o'm gwae,
 Nes caffwy'n glir
      ei weled fel y mae.
Dringo a wnaf :: Mi dringaf mwy

1-2: William Williams 1717-91
3: cyf. John Thomas 1730-1803

Tonau []:
Birmingham (Francis Cunningham)
Clod (alaw Gymreig)
Coburg (alaw Ellmynig)
Erfyniad (alaw Gymreig)
Pax Dei (J B Dykes 1823-76)
Penitentia (E Dearle 1806-91)

  Cyfammod rhad cyfammod cadarn Duw
  Cyn llunio'r byd cyn lledu'r nefoedd wen
  Mae eglwys Dduw trwy'r ddae'r a'r nef yn un

(Boasting in Christ)
Let mention of man's merit
    and his force vanish,
It is silent completely
    before strict righteousness;
  In the wounds of the Lamb
      shall boast my poor soul,
  The providence of heaven has brought
      Jesus as a Brother to me.

His holy life, his sweat,
    and his groans which he gave,
And his full death,
    which pays fully on the cross:
  The fruit of his anguish, and the force
      of his strong supplication, shall bring
  The feeble week
      to be firm with Him.

On neither land nor sea
    do I know his like to be;
Pure seraphs
    shall never expound his life:
  Climb I shall, through the strength
      of his grace, from my woe,
  Until I get clearly
      to see him as he is.
Climb I shall :: I shall climb henceforth

tr. 2014 Richard B Gillion


O let me climb those higher skies,
Where storms and darkness never rise!
  There he displays his power abroad,
  And shines and reign th'incarnate God.

Nor earth, nor seas, nor sun, nor stars,
Nor heaven his full resemblance bears;
  His beauties we can never trace,
  Till we behold him face to face.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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